How to heal a broken society
Helping is good, but not enough; and kindness on its own is shallow. Healing a broken society means making a spiritual connection with others.
Scepticism in an age of distraction
LSD used to fuel conspiracies and distract people from the real world, now it seems social media is having the same effect.
Yes, change is coming for Aboriginal Australians
No matter if the yes vote succeeds in the referendum, a massive change is about to impact relations with Aborigninal Australians.
Anxiety cure: Rediscovering what it means to be human
The world is an anxious place. Pandemics, natural disasters and war have fuelled a sense of isolation that was already gripping society.
Is social media killing democracy?
Democracies are being torn apart by polarisation. Is it the fault of social media?
The power of belonging
Everybody wants to feel a sense of belonging. The challenge is to find it in spite of the differences between us.
The Reason Rafael Nadal Won Last Night
So many of us live our lives worrying about the future and regretting the past. That means we are never
Loving compassion at Christmas
Love is all that matters at Christmas.
My earnest prayer is we come out of this pandemic a better people
As this pandemic progresses I sometimes wonder if some of us forget we are all in this life together. We
The Trump victory
When I was first asked to write a comment on the election of Donald Trump to be President of the
If you’re Aboriginal it is quite probable the system will hold you back
I first became involved in Aboriginal issues in the very early 1970’s. At that time I made enduring friendships that