The BIG question: Why are we here?
Activitiy suggests a life filled with purpose, but what is the purpose? Why are we all here? I’m beginning to discover that the meaning of life is living in the moment.
A great, COVID safe Christmas Day
I want to thank everyone who made our annual Christmas Day lunch such a wonderful success.
My Christmas 2020 message
COVID-19 has forced many unwelcome changes upon us all, so this Christmas I've recorded a short video sermon.
Finding peace this Christmas
Over the last few weeks I've been presenting a series of videos on the Advent themes of Christmas. This week I investigate peace and how to find it amid a world in turmoil.
The joy of Christmas
Christmas is just days away, so in this week's Advent video I'm considerng the theme of "Joy". I hope it resonates with you.
Loving compassion at Christmas
Love is all that matters at Christmas.
Christmas is just around the corner
Christmas is just around the corner. It's meant to be a joyious time, but amid the darkness of the pandemic
Feeling lost in your own country: musings on NAIDOC Week
It’s hard for white entitled people to understand the feeling of being lost in your own country.
Rest In Peace all who suffered
On this Remembrance Day we look at the attempts of the world to unite.
Finding hope in a world of despair
How do you define who you are when the job you loved is gone?
My earnest prayer is we come out of this pandemic a better people
As this pandemic progresses I sometimes wonder if some of us forget we are all in this life together. We
The hope that keeps me going through this pandemic
In Australia, the months of May and August are the months of the year I love the most. What I