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Rev. Bill Crews Archive

Rev. Bill Crews AM is a much-loved Australian who's given over 3 million meals to the hungry and taught thousands of underprivileged kids to read. He's been recognised by The Rotary Foundation and Ernst & Young. He is on the National Trust’s list of 100 “National Living Treasures”.

Signs of hope everywhere

In spite of all the doom and gloom at the moment, there are real signs of hope in the World. In fact, that hope inspires me.

Pink diamonds and rubbish tips

A rich girl in Australia will get a pink diamond ring while her less fortunate sisters elsewhere in the world will go hungry.

Don’t give up on love

A chance meeting on a train station that might change the life of a young woman, for the better.

I can see your heart

All of us have made bad choices, but for some the consequences are longer lasting than others. No matter how bad it is, there's always hope.

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