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Welcome to my website. I am an ordained Reverend in the Uniting Church of Australia as well as being the founder of The Rev. Bill Crews Foundation.

I am a passionate supporter of the underprivileged. I am also an advocate for those who think of themselves as outsiders. Moreover, I take inspiration from making the world a kinder place.

I’m fascinated by change and how it has the power to improve lives. I’m also really interested in challenging the power structures that entrench inequality.

I write books too. My first one, “Twelve Rules for Living a Better Life” is out now, but I’m also in the process of writing a second. I’m also a radio broadcaster with a top-rating show heard in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and regional Australia.

I hope my website inspires you with kindness.

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Listen to my latest podcast

More than a decade of abuse scandals have rocked the Catholic Church, and shifting social values have alienated its flock.

In the west, Catholicism is in decline. Just 17.5-percent of Americans identify as Catholic. In Australia young people are abandoning the church.

So why are people seemingly losing faith? Is it all bad news, or does the church have a future? And might a reforming Pope Francis turn the ship around?

In this episode of The Discussion I talk with Paul Collins. He is a former priest, broadcaster and Catholic scholar whose books include “Absolute Power – How the Pope Became the Most Influential Man in the World”.

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